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Friends of Greenwich Park

Wildlife Group

Anyone with an interest in wildlife can join the Friends Wildlife Group. If interested in joining the group or volunteering at wildlife events, please come along to the next Wildlife event.

The Friends Wildlife Group:

  • strongly supported the creation of the Wildlife Centre, opened near the Lake in the Flower Gardens in October 2002
  • is responsible for the last Saturday of the month ‘Family Wildlife Activities in the Flower Garden’
  • works with RSPB to promote the annual ‘Big Garden Bird Watch’ and ‘Feed the Birds’
  • runs a Winter Wildlife lecture series
  • is involved with specialist Greenwich Park Bird Group
  • organises an annual Fungus Foray
  • publicises and funds (where appropriate) wildlife surveys in the Park
  • helps fund developments which can enhance the biodiversity of the Park such as a new pond in the Nature Trail and work on The Queen's Orchard
  • has a regular feature on the activities of the Wildlife Group in the Friends Newsletter
  • publicises and take part in wildlife training courses run by The Royal Parks’ Head of Ecology and others
  • provides support for relevant parts of The Royal Parks education programme

There is also a quarterly meeting of the Wildlife Group. The members of the group receive notification of all the meetings and an agenda ahead of each meeting. Different aspects of wildlife in the parks are discussed. The more active members of the group update the group on progress in their chosen field of interest. The group members receive training and extra information about the ecology of the park. The dates will be publicised on the website. Anyone can come along to these meetings.

History of The Wildlife Group

A complete history of the wildlife Group has been written by Elaine Warrell in September 2017 and can be found here.

Wildlife Events

Events focused on wildlife take place throughout the year and we try to flag them up well in advance on this website and in the Newsletter.
However, sometimes opportunities arise between Newsletters, so you should check the Current events section of this website and the Friends’ notice boards located outside the Park management office (by the Blackheath Gate) and in the Pavilion Tea House, where details will be posted.