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Friends of Greenwich Park

Reminisce in the Park

Reminisce about the Park over tea and cake in the new Learning Centre where we hope to have an afternoon of chat about what we did and didn’t do during the Covid days. Did you come to the Park or did you stay away? Was the Park a lifeline? Before memories fade it would be good to know what actually happened to the Park.

The sessions will take place on Monday, December 16, and in the New Year, on Monday, January 20 – both from 2pm to 4pm.

We might also have time to talk about other things such as family stories about World War II, the Queen Elizabeth Oak – do you remember it still standing? The many archaeological digs over the years – did you take part?

We will be recording these sessions to formally capture these memories as part of the Greenwich Park Revealed project. If you would like to come along the numbers are limited so please email Christine Bevan at cnbevan@hotmail.com to book a place.