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Friends of Greenwich Park

Family Wildlife Activities in the Flower Garden

Our monthly Family Wildlife Activities held on June 26th focussed on Sustainability supporting Architype – the Park’s selected Architects for the forthcoming Revealed project during The London Festival of Architecture 1-30th June. Architype were alongside us promoting their sustainable design features on the new learning centre, encouraging visitors to experiment with cyanotype printing as we created sustainable ideas on how to reduce our carbon foot print.  Young visitors enjoyed drawing around their shoes and creating their own pledges, which were hung up to display and encourage us all to think what we can all try to achieve.  Seed sowing was also very popular using the Park’s own peat free compost, along with a bingo nature hunt.  Some lucky visitors were also able to spot the recently born Red Deer calves through the hedge providing much excitement!  Our next activity date is NOT the usual last Saturday in July, but has been brought forward to 24th July due to other events taking place on 31st July.
