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Friends of Greenwich Park

Sunday Morning Bird Walk linked to the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch

 Photograph by Neil Bastin

We had a group of 16 taking part in the gathering of data for the survey, with Julia Holland and Mike Norton putting the rigour into our report. The tricky part is counting the maximum number that you see at any one time, especially with the crows as you will see below. You are not supposed to count seeing a bird in flight so there was a certain element of watching it in flight until it was seen to land on a branch when it could be counted.

The following data was submitted by Julia to the RSPB website as our sightings from Greenwich Park so that the results will go towards the ultimate report which comes out later in the year. We will put a link to the results on our website when they become available. Neil Bastin was again on hand to act as photographer.

40 crows (counted by Mike)

5 Wood pigeons

4 jackdaws

2 great tits

1 Green woodpecker

7 parakeets

3 blue tits

21 feral pigeons 

2 blackbirds 

2 stock doves

10 mallards

1 Jay 

2 robins

1 song thrush

2 Egyptian geese

4 redwings 

2 moorhens 

5 magpies